Friday, November 29, 2019

Gun Control Essays (297 words) - Gun Politics, Firearms, Gun Control

Gun Control Are you ready to die? What's more, are you ready to kill? When you hold a gun anywhere but the firing range you'd better be ready and able to use it or die. Don't get me wrong; just because you carry a gun doesn't mean people automatically start being violent towards you but if you get in a fight and someone realizes you have a gun it's more than likely that they will pull one and shoot you if they have it. Most people think that a gun will make them invincible but the truth is: Every bullet is another life and every gun is another instrument of death. The more people that carry guns, the more people that die. On the flip side, if nobody but the military carries guns then the people the control the military have free reign over everyone. It is a nice thought to have absolutely nobody carry guns but unfortunately that goes strictly against the human nature that is ?create to destroy?. It is a pessimistic view but unfortunately it has been repeated consistently enough to have backing. I wish there was an easy answer to it all but there isn't. I have come to the conclusion that everyone should be allowed to carry a gun, but everyone should have to go through a psychological evaluation before they can buy one in order to determine whether they are more of a danger to others and themselves with a gun or not. Another stage of getting a gun after that level is to be taught the full consequences of killing a person. It should be a much harder process to get a gun then it is, but after passing; the people should be given a license to carry firearms. Legal Issues

Monday, November 25, 2019

The factors affecting tensile strength Essay Example

The factors affecting tensile strength Essay Example The factors affecting tensile strength Paper The factors affecting tensile strength Paper I am comparing four sets of data. My data will be categorical. There is a simple statistical test which looks at the difference between observed and expected values and relates them to a probability level, thus making it possible to identify how likely it is that the values are significantly different. This test is called the Chi squared test. Precautions to ensure reliability   We are assuming ethnic background does not affect our results. It will not cause a massive variation in our conclusion.   All hair samples must be taken from 16-18 year old females. 6 different samples must be taken for each colour of hair. Make sure all equipment is set up; ensuring the strand of hair is fastened to the shown equipment correctly. (Figure 5). * Each hair is tested five times, so I am repeating the experiment, to make my results reliable and more accurate. Results (My own (raw data) results will be highlighted in dark red on tables 2, 3, 4 5). (The letter B is used in my results to show where the hair broke). Investigating the factors affecting tensile strength of human hair Analysing: (Skill C) Calculations Strength is determined by the amount of stress a hair can withstand without breaking. To work out the strength of each hair I calculated the stress applied to each when breaking. To do all the calculations I used the following formulas: 1  I calculated my values to do the statistical test. Discussion Melanin molecules are proteins, which are produced at the root of each hair. The more melanin in your hair, the darker it will get. An amino acid called tyrosine is converted into melanin so the hair will have colour. First, the bodys blood vessels carry tyrosine to the bottom of each hair follicle. Then, in this melanin factory tyrosine is used as the raw material for the production of the natural melanin that is the colour in hair. In short, natural hair colour depends upon the presence, amount and distribution of melanin, a natural pigment found in the cortex. All natural hair colours are created from two types of melanin. Eumelanin = black pigment Pheomelanin = red/yellow pigment Mixed melanins = when both eumelanin and pheomelanin mix together inside one melanin granule. The natural colour of the hair is decided by: a) What type of melanin is in the hair b) How much melanin is in the hair c) How closely packed or scattered the melanin is within the cortex. The type of melanin and the size of the granules determine whether hair will be brown, blonde, ginger or black. The amount of melanin and its distribution determine how dark or light the hair colour will be. Black hair is created from granules full of eumelanin densely packed in the hairs cortex. Brown hair, depending on its cool or warm tones and its darkness or lightness, is created either from granules filled with eumelanin and more sparsely distributed along the cortex than those of black hair, or granules filled with a blend of mixed melanins. The red/yellow pheomelanin is believed to cause the warm, golden, or auburn tones found in most brown hair. Blonde hair has a very low melanin content. And while scientists have not yet determined which is dominant, it is believed that eumelanin creates blonde hair. Melanin in blonde hair is so sparse that what we actually see is the colour of the hair fibre itself, keratin, which is a pale yellow, off-white shade. Granules filled with pheomelanin create Ginger hair. The pheomelanin in ginger hair is less densely packed in its granules. Its shape is somewhat more irregular than its black counterpart, eumelanin. It is slightly rounder and more spread out. From my results I found out that brown hair needed the greatest amount of force to break. Blonde hair needed the least amount of force to break. Black hair was second strongest and ginger hair was third strongest. The order of strength (from my results) of hair is as follows: Brown, Black, Ginger, and then Blonde. Brown hair stretched the most before breaking. Blonde hair stretched the least before breaking. Black hair stretched the second furthest and ginger hair stretched the third furthest. The order of length of hair stretched (from my results) before breaking is as follows: Brown, Black, Ginger, and then Blonde. Brown hair experienced the highest strain before breaking and blonde hair experienced the lowest strain before breaking. The order of strain experienced by hair (from my results) before breaking is as follows: Brown, Black, Ginger, and then Blonde. Brown hair experienced the highest tensile stress value before breaking and blonde experienced the lowest tensile stress value before breaking. The order of tensile stress experienced by hair (from my results) before breaking is as follows: Brown, Ginger, Black, and then Blonde. Graph 1 shows the average force required to break the four colours of hair. From this graph I can see that brown hair required the greatest force to break. Black hair also required a large amount of force to break and so did ginger hair. Black hair only required a small amount of more force to break then ginger hair. The breaking force required for brown, black and ginger hair was quite similar. Blonde hair required much less force to break compared to the other colours of hair. This proves that the disulphide bonds in the blonde hair are not a big advantage for strength of the hair. The darker the hair the stronger the force required for the bonds in the hair to break. The darker the hair the more resistant it is to breaking when forces are applied. The darker the hair the higher concentrations of melanin present along the hair cortex. The same sort of pattern is seen in graphs 2, 3, 4 and 5. Graphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 show the extension of hair when masses are added. Blonde hair breaks the earliest and brown hair breaks the latest. Graph 2 shows brown hair. Brown hair requires about 120g to extend up to about 70mm before breaking. The graph follows a basic trend and there are no anomalous results. All results fit the line of best fit. Graph 3 shows blonde hair. Blonde hair requires about 80g to extend up to about 35mm before breaking. The graph follows the basic trend and most results fit the line of best fit. There is one anomaly, though. The extension should not increase and then decrease. It should keep on decreasing. There must have been an error in recording this result. The results in graphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 are all averages. To work out the blonde values in table 32, the results in tables 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 were used. There was only one value for the extension at 80g, in table 15. This value was smaller than the average of all the extensions in all six tables. This sample of hair should have broken at 80g not 90g. This did not happen. This may have been an error in not measuring correctly. Graph 4 shows ginger hair. Ginger hair requires about 100g to extend up to about 60mm before breaking. The graph follows the basic trend until it gets to 55g point. From this point onwards the hair length increases and decreases dramatically. This should not happen. The reason why this happens is described above with the blonde hair. It is an error in measuring. Graph 5 shows black hair. Black hair requires about 140g to extend up to about 65mm before breaking. This graph is perfect. There are no anomalies. All points meet the line of best fit accurately. Graph 6 shows the average stresses and strains experienced by each hair colour. All four hair colours are plotted on the same graph so they can be easily compared against each other. Brown, blonde and ginger hairs do not follow the normal trend. The stresses and strains for these three should continue to increase. Tables 57, 58, 59 and 60 show where the stress and strain values came form. The results are like this because when the stress and strain values were calculated the average extensions were used, which had a few faults, as describe above. Graphs 7, 8, 9 and 10 show clearly what is happening to the stress-strain curves. Graph 7 shows one anomalous result. It has a high stress and strain value. Graph 8 also shows only one anomalous result. These two graphs show the basic trend. Graph 9 shows the normal trend until the stress value gets to 150Nm-2. Then it decreases and goes back on itself. This should not happen. The reason for this is explained above. There is an error in the extension averages. Graph 10 shows no anomalies. Graphs 11, 12, 13 and 14 show modified values for stress and strain in all colours of hair. Graph 11 shows the modified stresses and strains for brown hair. This graph does not bend backwards and the stress and strain values do not decrease. Graph 12 shows the modified stresses and strains for blonde hair. This graph does not show values of stress and strain decreasing. Graph 13 shows the modified stresses and strains for ginger hair. This graph has changed a lot. It reads much clearer. Stress and strain increases throughout. This is exactly what the graph should look like. Graph 14 is the same as graph 10. It did not need any modifications. The toughness of a hair is measured of its resistance to break. A lot of energy is required to break a tough material. Finally, the strength of a material (or tensile strength) is the greatest tensile stress it can undergo before breaking. Hair is an elastic material; it can stretch to a certain maximum point (elastic point) before breaking. The largest tensile stress that can be applied to a material before it breaks is known as its ultimate tensile stress (UTS). This value is sometimes referred to as the materials breaking stress. Graph 7 shows the stress-strain points for brown hair. Graph 11 shows a modified version of this. The UTS for brown hair is 359. 03. Graph 8 shows stress-strain points for blonde hair. Graph 12 shows a modified version of this. The UTS for blonde hair is 125. 48. Graph 9 shows the stress-strain for ginger hair. Graph 13 shows a modified version of this. The UTS for ginger hair is 286. 58. Graph 10 shows the stress-strain points for black hair. Graph 14 shows a modified version of this. The UTS for black hair is 158. 31. Overall I can see that brown hair was the strongest. This was not expected. I expected black hair to have the highest tensile strength, as it had a higher density of melanin along the cortex. Blonde hair turned out to be the one with the lowest tensile stress. Ginger haired people have a high density of the pheomelanin pigments in their hair fibre. Those who produce virtually no eumelanin have a red to orange colour depending on the density of the pigment in the hair fibre. Red haired people who have a greater relative proportion of eumelanin production have a deeper red to red brown colour. Ginger hair also should have a high tensile strength. This is what I saw in my results. Black hair should also have a high tensile strength. My results showed black hair to have high tensile strength but not the highest. There are other ways in which hair tensile strength could have been measured. Hair products like shampoos have an effect on hair tensile strength. They are now designed to change hair strengths. Different makes of hair shampoos could be used. Strength could be measured in a similar way to how I measured it. A control will be also be needed, with hair with no products added. These modifications in Graphs 11, 12, 13 and 14 show what the stress strain graphs should look like. In Graphs 7, 8, 9 and 10 the lines should not bend backwards. Statistical Test I will be using the (Chi squared test) X2. The formula for the Chi squared test is as follows: X2 = ? [(O E) 2 /E] O = Observed value E = Expected value The ((O E) 2) part of the formula considers the size of the difference between the observed and expected values. This difference could be either positive or negative. To avoid the mathematical problems associated with negative values, the difference is squared. The (E) part of the formula relates the size of the difference to the magnitude of the numbers involved. The sigma (? ) sum symbol is required because there is not just one pair of observed and expected values, but several (in this case four). By taking all the observed values of stress from tables 57, 58, 59 and 60, I can work out the expected value for each hair colour. I can then place these values in a table and work out the value for X2, using the chi squared formula. To calculate the degrees of freedom to be used can be found as follows: Number of categories minus 1. In this case: 4 1 = 3 The critical value (taken from critical values for the Chi squared test) at 3 degrees of freedom is 7. 81 (at the 5% level). The test statistic (X2 = 94. 235) is greater than the critical value(C. V = 7. 81, at the 5% significance level). We therefore can reject the null hypothesis and state there is a significant difference between the observed a Investigating the factors affecting tensile strength of human hair Evaluating: (Skill D) Limitations The selotape holding hairs in the paperclip at the top and at the bottom could have interfered with the tertiary structure of the protein, keratin. This could have increased or decreased the bond attractions in the hair to cause the hair to have a high or low tensile stress. This would make my results unreliable. The hairs showing higher tensile stress may just be showing how sticky the selotape is and how strongly it is holding the hair structure together. This though, would affect all my results, as all hair samples had selotape on them to hold them together at the top and at the bottom. So, this limitation would affect all hairs making it a very weak limitation. My conclusion will not be affected as this limitation affects all hairs.   The time in between weights were added is another limitation. When each weight was added the hair stretched. But when there were a lot of weights on hair, the hair stretched quickly and then the length was measured. After I finished measuring the hair had slowly stretched a little bit more. So the measurement was wrong. When the next weight was added extra extension was added onto the new extension. My results were affected by this because some extensions were false making some data imprecise. Therefore, my conclusion will be invalid, because some hair samples could have broken at lower weights if I had waited for the hair to stretch, very slowly until it broke. There needed to be a time limit in which I had to record the extension of the hair, before adding the next weight to the hair. The eye piece graticule can be a limiting factor. Different people measured hair thickness and recorded it to what they felt the thickness ought to be according to the scale. It was not very clear to see how thick the hair was, as the hair was faded under the microscope at all magnifications and the outline was difficult to see. This could affect my results as the thickness of hairs was used to calculate the cross sectional area of the hairs, which was then used to calculate the tensile stress experienced by the hair. This could make my tensile stress values incorrect. My conclusion therefore could be affected; by making out that a certain coloured hair had a higher tensile stress than another coloured hair, when really it shouldnt have. This would make my conclusion unreliable.   There were different shades of hair colour, for example, there were light brown hair colours and dark brown hair colours. It was sometimes hard to distinguish between brown and blonde. This was the same for blonde hair. This would have an affect on the reliability and precision of my results making the accuracy of the strengths of different colours of colours of hair inaccurate. There should have been a certain shade of colour of hair (same amount of melanin in each brown hair) used for each colour sample. My conclusion will be imprecise because brown or blonde hair shades could cause incorrect results and make my conclusion incorrect.   The 10g mass is a limitation as the hair could break at lower masses than they actually did, for example a hair that broke at 50g could have broken at 41g, but I wouldnt know that as I only used 10g masses. So, I got false readings implying the hair is stronger than it actually is. If smaller masses were used my results would be much more accurate to make my conclusion reliable. This limitation could cause my conclusion to be invalid, causing the hairs strength and point on breaking higher or lower than it actually is. Conclusion After doing my statistical test I can reject my null hypothesis and accept my hypothesis and say that brown, blonde, ginger and black hairs differ in tensile strength. I have proved this difference in my calculations, mainly in graphs 1 and 6. From my results I can see that darker coloured has a higher tensile stress compared to lighter coloured hairs. In my hypothesis I said that lighter coloured hair would have a higher tensile strength than darker coloured hair, due to lighter coloured hair having sulphur-sulphide bonds, which are very strong. I have disproved this. Through testing all four colours of hair I can see that these strong sulphur bonds do not reflect any tensile strength qualities. Lighter coloured hair does not have an advantage over dark coloured hair when it comes to tensile strength. It mainly depends on the type of melanin the hair contains. The denser the melanin quantity is the stronger the hair.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Constitutional Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Constitutional Law - Research Paper Example The legislative branch of the United States federal government is the framer of Article One of the United States Constituency. This article is comprised of various sections and sub-sections that deals with structure, composition and functional ability of the government (See Touby vs. United States, 191). However, the way this article is written, the language seems to more be favorable to the Congress and not others. As it says all the legislative powers should be vested in a Congress of United States. What if there is some other government gets the opportunity to form government. Then it would look like they will amend this section in favor of them and it would go on like that (Mistretta vs United States, 1989). Though Sections 9 and 10 deals with the limits of both Congress and States it would have been more impactful if the framer of the constitution would not get influenced while framing the Article. This article constitutes the executive branch of the government. This includes President, Vice President and other executive officers and staffs that are appointed by the President. In this article it is mentioned that the executive powers of the federal government is vested in the President (Woods, 2013). The language of this article is more impactful as it clearly states what are the roles and responsibilities of the President without confronting Congress or Republican Presidential Candidate. This article looks like the framer does not get influenced by any party or the government and the article clearly mentions that the President should hold the Office for four years along with the Vice President post which the election of the new President would be held according to the constitutional procedure (Vasan & Sidak, 2002). Unlike Articles I and II, Article III has only three sections. This section deals with federal courts and judicial powers of the States. This article establishes the judicial branch of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Kenya Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Kenya - Essay Example Most of the arts and crafts made from woodcarvings, kisii soapstones and clay. The arts, jewellery, traditional clothes, and crafts signify decoration, adornment and traditional lifestyles of the communities (Sobania 22). Ethnic communities like Samburu, Turkana and Maasai prefer physical beauty in their artistic expressions. Samburu and Maasai communities wear traditional dressings that are decorated with traditional beads and animal skins. The decoration beads signify social status and different stages of passage and initiation. In addition, Maasai morans (men in early adult stage) are expected to carry cultural rungus (clubs) and wrist knives. The Kamba ethnic community is internationally known for its wood crafting skills and traditional kiondos (baskets). The Kisii ethnic community practice soapstone handcrafting from locally quarried soapstone and some items carved includes soap dishes, ashtrays and egg cups. Some of the places that visitors can find cultural artifacts include Nairobi gallery, Nairobi National museum, Gedi ruins, Nairobi railway museum, Fort Jesus, the Bomas of Kenya, Banana hill art gallery, and Karen Blixen Museum that is owned by Baron Blixen (Sobania 56). Kenya has numerous globally recognized films and accomplished filmmakers. Some Hollywood films filmed in Kenya include the snows of Kilimanjoro that features Gregory Peck and Out of Africa Hollywood’s film that features Robert Redford and Meryl Streep. Other international films that feature Kenya include Bob Rafelson’s mountains of the moon, German’s nowhere in Africa and BBC’s big cat diary. The rich savannas, Great Rift Valley, dense forests and glacial mountains offer unique locations for filming internationally recognized films such as US TV series like Survivor Africa and constant gardener. Kenyan has a strong oral and literature traditions that pass to generations through poems, plays and books by reputable Kenyan writers (Saffer 78). Many poets revo lve around early ancestors, folk stories and colonial influence in the country. One of the best-known poets is Ngugi wa Thiong’o whose work is based on struggle for independence and subsequent dictatorial regimes in the country. For instance, his work on weep not child and wizard of the crow has attracted him global recognition. Kenya has a variety of music and dances that are associated with different ceremonial occasions. The Maasai sing traditional dances during occasions such as thanks giving, and initiation ceremonies. The Luhya people have the Isukuti dance that entails drum beating and blowing animal horns during cultural festivals such as bull fighting (Pateman 256). The Chuka and Kamba tribes have a distinctive dancing style that involves beating drums clasped between the thighs and acrobatic dancing while Kikuyu people have the Mugithi dance (Sobania 89). The Luo people dances include the ohangla music that comprises some beats borrowed from Congolese lingala and be nga music. Internationally recognized musicians include Fadhili Williams, Daudi Kabaka and Eric Wainaina. Different communities in Kenya have different cuisine. However, cultural communities prefer boiling, steaming and roasting their traditional foods such as Nyama Choma meat. Coastal communities prefer fish while tribes living in mountains prefer tubers, arrowroots, cassava and cereals (Pateman 223). Nomadic ethnic groups like Maasai still eat raw cattle milk, raw blood and raw meat preserved

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Impact of New Media on the Design and Advertisement Industries Term Paper

The Impact of New Media on the Design and Advertisement Industries - Term Paper Example New media is a recent term that has come to be used in reference to the digital world more so with reference to computers in information and communication technology. It is a product of the twentieth century that saw its evolutionary roots from analog technology. It has characterized relations of this era by making globalization a popular topic. Trade between people and organizations in far geographical locations now takes place by just a touch of a button behind the comfort of one's personal computer via the internet. The incorporation of new media into the society inform of a globalized world tends to bring in threats into the moral social set up as indiscriminate receivership of information on the internet becomes difficult to control exposing people to different unethical practices. A research done by Millward Brown agency in the UK relayed information to prove that new media can give maximum impact to observers of its advertisements. Millward is a mobile phone marketing organization that took the first study to ascertain the significance of mobile phones in the advertisement. Advertisements were sent to mobile phone users in the UK and measure the impacts it had on the people who received them. The research came up with the findings that the branded advertisements effected 32% awareness of the people approached. It further indicated that 22% of the mobile phone users who received the advertisements were willing to buy the products should they go to the markets. The research measured these opinions from about 600 male consumers between the ages of 16 to 36 over a period of 5 weeks during the air of the advertisements. The study concluded that single advertisements strongly increase advertisement awareness and the probability of purchase. (Brown, 2008)Â  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Effects of Dementia

Effects of Dementia Unit standard 23920 Task 1: 1.1: 1.2: A, Dementia and delirium: B, Dementia and Depression: 1.3: A, Alzheimers disease: In the brain of client who has Alzheimers disease have large amount of plaques and tangles in the brain and nerve cells. Most of nerve cells are death The person who has Alzheimers disease get every easy to lost of memory, and also the way to think logically is reduced therefore they can not make a decision for themselves. From day to days the way to expressed behaviors of person who has Alzheimers disease are changed. Some client has Alzheimers disease regularly going to loss of language skill. From the beginning of Alzheimers disease until the end the personality of the client are changing very quickly and their emotion is unstable, up and down all the time. B, Vascular dementia: The person who has vascular dementia normally has a number of small stroke and the stroke damage the brain associated with learning, memory and language, and also in the brain of client regularly appear amounts of plaques and tangles. The communicated between the brain and another part of the body is not well anymore therefore the client may get very slowly and lethargy; sometime it can lead to lack of bladder control. Some clients may get depression and their emotion changing very quick. They always get confused and get problem with remember the memory; short term memory. Most of client who has vascular dementia feel very hard to walking because of unsteady and unstable. C, One type of dementia: Parkinsons disease: The brain of person who has Parkinsons disease appear amounts of plaques and tangles inside the brain and the nerve cells also, therefore can lead to loss of nerve cells. The patient have a slowly thinking process and in daily living activities also. The client has Parkinsons disease can feel quite difficult to concentrate in something. The client with Parkinson’s disease has poor judgments therefore they cannot make their own decision. The client has a poor motivation. 1.4: The most significant risk factor of dementia is age. The number of person who is over sixty-five is quite high, according to National Institute on Age information. The second risk factor is lifestyle specially the smoking and has alcohol intake person, researching shown that the people who has smoke and have much of alcohol intake are very easy to get atherosclerosis- one cause lead to dementia. The third one is cholesterol. In blood of human if have high levels of cholesterol can easier to get vascular dementia. 1.5: Cognitive effects at early dementia changes, the clients has difficulty with the short term memory. Therefore in daily living the client feel quite hard to following the conversation with others and regularly they feel lonely and depression, isolation. some of residents can feel quite hard to planning, organizing and making decision in their life. Therefore the client can feel confused because some of them cannot work of even make a decision for their life .They can feel lost and isolated. Functional effects : Some of client might have trouble with certain skills such as dressing, toileting, showering Because the communicated between the brain and some part of body is not good anymore therefore people become slower, some of clients may feel uselessness and worthlessness. Behavioral effects : The way to communicated and express of dementia client is quite strange therefore sometime the careers cannot understand of misunderstanding. The way of thinking of dementia client is also up normal, they just want to do the things they think it right, therefore sometime they can make other people feel embarrassed. Psychological effects: The person who has dementia can easily to anger and frustration, sometime they become over emotional, laughing and crying at the same time, therefore can make other people confused , misunderstanding. The client can easy to be depression, isolation with others, therefore in the daily living are quite hard to cooperate with the careers. Task 2: 2.1: Relationship: All of family members and friends should be encouraged to participate and share in leisure and social experiences. The relationship between staff, the family members and the person with dementia need to be developed and trusting, therefore its can bring some of benefit for dementia client such as the social, spiritual and emotional well being. With dementia client the environment around them are quite important, therefore some of social interaction between people with dementia and others resident can helpful. Communication: The way of communication of dementia resident is quite different from normal; therefore with the dementia client the best way to communicated is starting talking right in front of the client, not too close, using eye-contact and some of face expression. Otherwise , the speech and tone must be slow and gentle when talking with dementia client, do not shouting or screaming Dementia resident still can talk but the speech of talking is quite slow therefore the health care assistance need to be very patient and allow them to talk, give them the choice and independent. Individual: All of family members and health care assistance should treat the dementia resident with the individual and give them the respect. Dementia resident need to be encouraging and respect with the choice in their life. Some of dementia resident still can do some things independent such as washing face, eating, drinking, therefore the careers need to understand and give them independent as much as they can do. Feeling: The emotion of dementia client is always up and down, unstable anymore, therefore they can easier be sad and isolation. With this situation, the health care assistance need to spent time, be patient and encourage them to talk make them feeling better. The careers need to patient, encouraged the dementia talking and be listening , understanding and give them the advise with the respectful. Abilities retained: The careers always give the opportunities for people with dementia to respond appropriately and utilize their abilities. The careers need to known about care plan of the resident therefore they can know what sort of activities the clients love to do in the past and give them suggest some of the activities similar with their interested in the past. Needs of the person with dementia: Psychological need: the dementia resident need a person to understand and listening to them, therefore the careers need to have some knowledge about dementia resident and give some advice for them. Physical need: some of dementia resident’s motilities are quite week there for they need a support of motilities aids such as walking frame or hip protector. Moreover, others dementia client have a problem with the communication therefore they need some communication aid to support them communicated with other people. 2.2: Relationship: the relationship between the family, friends and the healthcare assistance with dementia resident is very important with dementia client. All the careers can be the stronger supporter for the dementia client. Feeling: The feeling is also very important with dementia resident. The careers always need to know how can make the resident feeling better and also make sure that they have knowledge their feeling. Needs: all the needs seem to be one of the significant important things with the dementia resident, its can make dementia resident feeling more securities and safe, more confident and happier. 2.3: The meaningful activities are quite important with dementia resident. Some of them may not doing these activities anymore because of some weakness side in the body but they still can remember the feeling when they was played this game and it is can make them feel better . In some how it can remind the client to the happy memories in the past with the games. Moreover the meaningful activities can make the dementia feeling happier when join activities with others resident therefore they will be more confident and their communication skill will be better. Task 3: 3.1: 1, Verbal communication: The way of communication of dementia resident is quite difficult to understand because dementia process can lead to the decrease of communication. When they talking might not make sense therefore can make other people confused. The speech of communicated also quite slow and might be stuck to finding some words or sentences. 2, Vocalization: Some of dementia resident who cannot talk may expressed their communication through noisy behavior such as screaming, moaning, singing. Some of them might repetitive speech, make some stranger noise, these mean they might need your attention. 3, Gestures: Some of dementia client might not have problem with vision and communication, they might using some of signal like tapping ,waving , pointing, shrugging, .etc to communicated. Some of them might try to touch you to get your attention. With different client have different culture may have some different gestures and have some different meaning. 4, Communication aids: With different client might using different communication aids like with person cannot talk, they can using communication card or picture book to communicated. Some of dementia resident might using talking mats to communicate or through music to express the communication 3.2: 1, Sensory losses: With the older ageing, some of the client may have a problem with the hearing but they did not have the hearing aid on therefore they cannot listen clearly or might misunderstanding when communicated. Some of them have a poor vision but they did not wear glasses so they cannot see the body languages of others people who want to communicated with them. Some of dementia resident cannot say properly and cannot listen properly also can be the barrier for them when communicated. 2, Communication partner: Some of dementia resident cannot talking therefore they need the communication partner to help them to express what they want, the communication partner may be their family, their friends, but sometime they are not available to communicated. 3, Heath status: Some of dementia resident have a short term memory or have memory loss therefore it is seemed to be quite hard to communicate. With some of dementia client who can have stroke or illness cannot have abilities to communicate with others. Some of disease can lead to a barrier in communicated of dementia client is UTI, depression and Parkinson. 4, Environment: The noisy, large environment might make the communicated of dementia resident become harder like they cannot speak louder or cannot hearing properly. Sometime the person who is communicated with the dementia resident may speaking too fast that will make dementia resident confused and misunderstands. 5, Culture: Some of resident who can speak other languages when they have dementia they might come back and speak in their own languages therefore the healthcare assistance cannot understand what they want to say. 6, Age: It is seem quite difficult when the dementia resident talking with younger person. Some of younger they speak quite fast or speak in younger expression therefore the dementia resident cannot understand what they want to say. Because of the orderly process, the dementia may feel quite difficult to find the words and their speech when speaking is quite slow. 7, Gender: There are a different in communicated between male resident and female resident. Normally the male resident may not likely to share the emotion or thinking to others than female. The way of expression in male resident might stronger and they might use different words than female resident. 8, Reverting to original languages: Some of resident they are from another country, they used to speak in another language but they have not using it for a long time. And then when they get dement, they might come back to speak in their own languages, these can made the careers and others be confused and misunderstanding. 9, Expressive and receptive communication problems: Some of client with dementia they cannot communicate and express their needs because they have a trouble to finding the words and sentences. Sometime the dementia client might not able to understand how to communicate in verbal or non-verbal. They might not able to understand the word form, reading and writing also. 3.3: 1, Communication partner: Some of the dementia client might get confused with the communication partner therefore you need to make sure the partner is introduced clearly to the client. Always make sure that the client is feeling comfortable with the communication partner. The communication partner and the ways of communication, the expression of the client need to be recorded. 2, Environment: The environment of communication need to be sure that the client can hearing properly and feeling comfortable during communicated. The familiar environment is recommendation to against the confusing and scaring during communication period. 3, Verbal and Non-verbal: The communicated person need to make sure that talking clearly, slowly, easy to understand. They can using the eye-contact and remember give them a time to understand and communicated. With non- verbally, they can using a body languages, touching in the hand and shoulder, using some picture to communicated. 4, Singing: The careers can using the song which one the client love to hear can make the client feeling better, happier. Moreover it is can help client remember the happy memory make them feeling more relaxed. The singing can be one of the ways of communication and also can help the client feeling happier. 5, Music: The careers may use the music to encourage communicated with dementia resident. The music might be a solution to make the dementia resident calm down and relaxed. 6, Activities: The activities might help dementia resident to communicate with others people to increase confident. Also the activities can help dementia resident more relaxation, made them more opened with others. 7, Communication aids: Some of the communication aids might help dementia resident who are not able to talk can communicated with others via picture book, picture, board, etc. Communication aids can make the resident more confidence to talking with others. Vijay Kumar

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Ben & Jerrys Ice Cream Essay -- essays research papers fc

Ben and Jerry’s Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and the amazing success the company has experience over the years could be loosely summed up as a story that began with two friends coming together with a vision to create a company that did not adhere to the traditional corporate rules of running a business. They both had certain ideals and a socially and economic responsible opinion on how a capitalist business should be run. There are a lot of similarities in the way this company is run and operated when compared to South West Airlines. They are of course offering two different things to there customers, South West providing a service where Ben and Jerry’s are providing a product but the way that they go about there daily business in the spirit of treating people a certain way, and setting out to complete a different kind of vision then say a more traditional company would is very similar. Jerry Greenfield and Ben Cohen where both born in New York in 1951. On Merrick, Long Island Jerry and Ben first met one another in junior high school. Jerry graduated from high school with a national merit scholarship and enrolled at Oberlin College in Ohio to study pre-med. While studying there Jerry got his first experience working in the ice cream industry when he hired by the his schools cafeteria as an ice cream scooper. After graduating from college Jerry applied to medical school but did not accepted. He worked as a lab technician back in New York where he moved in with Jerry in a small apartment on East 10th St. In 1976 Ben and Jerry relocated to Saratoga Springs, New York. Where they both decided to pursue their dream of starting a food business together. They decided to go with ice cream and began researching the industry. They both enrolled in a five dollar correspondence course in ice cream making at Penn State and soon after they set up their first Ben & Jerryâ€℠¢s ice cream parlor in Burlington Vermont.(1) Like Ben and Jerry’s South West to began with two friends coming together with a vision. Rollin King and herb Kellher where talking one evening complaining about the high fares for short airline commutes between Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston, and Rollin King said to Herb "let’s start an airline." However it was not that easy for South West Airlines to get off the ground. They had many legal battles from the major airlines companies at the time to ... ... a dynasty on this planet has yet to live forever. There is documentation of empires and governments that have fallen, and the reason behind them failing is always, for the most part, the will of the people in action. Corporations have established themselves as the corner stones of our modern society that we live in today. New ways of thinking are the best approach to avoid making mistakes that have been made in the past. Ben and Jerry’s have been known for there unprecedented rate of giving to charitable organizations in the corporate world, a full 7.5% of its pretax profits(4) as compared to the average American corporation of one percent.(2) Works Cited (1) (2) Article; Joel Makower Business For Social Responsibility, Beyond the bottom Line.(1994) (3) Daniel Kadlec, The New World of Corporate Giving, (May 5, 1997) (4) The Ben & Jerry's Foundation, Foundation Guidelines, (5) Murray Raphel, What's the Scoop on Ben & Jerry, DIRECT MARKETING MAGAZINE (1994)

Monday, November 11, 2019

Archimedes Principle

Applications of Archimedes' Principle 1. Submarine: A submarine has a large ballast tank, which is used to control its position and depth from the surface of the sea. A submarine submerges by letting water into the ballast tank so that its weight becomes greater than the buoyant force (and vice versa). It floats by reducing water in the ballast tank. -thus its weight is less than the buoyant force. 2. Hot-air balloon The atmosphere is filled with air that exerts buoyant force on any object.A hot air balloon rises and floats due to the buoyant force (when the surrounding air is greater than its weight). It descends when the balloon weight is more than the buoyant force. It becomes stationary when the weight = buoyant force. The weight of the Hot-air balloon can be controlled by varying the quantity of hot air in the balloon. 3. Hydrometer A hydrometer is an instrument to measure the relative density of liquids. It consists of a tube with a bulb at one end.Lead shots are placed in the bulb to weigh it down and enable the hydrometer to float vertically in the liquid. In a liquid of lesser density, a greater volume of liquid must be displaced for the buoyant force to equal to the weight of the hydrometer so it sinks lower. Hydrometer floats higher in a liquid of higher density. Density is measured in the unit of g cm-3. 4. SHIP A ship floats on the surface of the sea because the volume of water displaced by the ship is enough to have a weight equal to the weight of the ship.A ship is constucted in a way so that the shape is hollow, to make the overall density of the ship lesser than the sea water. Therefore, the buoyant force acting on the ship is large enough to support its weight. The density of sea water varies with location. The PLIMSOLL LINE marked on the body of the ship acts as a guideline to ensure that the ship is loaded within the safety limit. A ship submerge lower in fresh water as fresh water density is lesser than sea water. Ships will float higher in cold water as cold water has a relatively higher density than warm water.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Look At Modern Stoning Religion Essays

A Look At Modern Stoning Religion Essays A Look At Modern Stoning Religion Essay A Look At Modern Stoning Religion Essay Throughout history there has ever existed the agencies of cruel and unusual penalties. During the in-between ages the slow and painful method of transfixing 1s enemies took on ghastly popularity. The inside informations of piercing a individual with a long Fe interest are in writing and upseting. So is the cognition that most did non decease instantly, but would endure towards decease for yearss. Work force like Vlad the Impaler and Ivan the Terrible would construct their reputes around their ability to bring down such slaughter. History besides records other penalties like boiling, flaying, evisceration, combustion, crucifixion and decapitation. It is easy to reason that worlds frequently find hurting and ferociousness portion of requital. Modern lapidation has changed little from its long history, get downing in Biblical times. It is without doubt one of the oldest patterns of penalty known by adult male. It has neer been used in the United States, but it is really common still throughout the universe, particularly in the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa ( Head, Death by Stoning ) . One fact that stands out in modern lapidation is the figure of adult females sentence to this signifier of decease as compared to work forces. In most narratives and articles the predomination of adult females to work forces seems to lie in the supposed offenses committed that virtue lapidation as the effect. Most of the information on modern lapidating revolves around Sharia Law. This Islamic system of jurisprudence is derived from both the instructions of the Quran and from Sunna. The Quran is the Muslim sanctum book, which corresponds to the Jews Torah and the Christians Holy Bible. Muslims believe that the Quran is the Word of God, as dictated to the prophesier Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. ( ) Sunna is in general merely the pattern of populating your life by the illustration of the prophesier Muhammad. Together as the binding forces of Sharia Law, it is every bit powerful as a moral guideline to Muslim s, as the Bible is to Christians. ( ) While matrimony and divorce are a big portion of Sharia Law, it is those Acts of the Apostless deemed condemnable that are divided into classs of discourtesies. Harmonizing to writer Lauren Vriens composing for the Council on Foreign Relations, those that hold specific penalties as described in the Quran are known as the hadd. There are five hadd offenses: improper sexual intercourse ( sex outside of matrimony and criminal conversation ) , false accusal of improper sexual intercourse, vino imbibing ( sometimes extended to include all intoxicants imbibing ) , larceny, and highway robbery. Punishments for hadd discourtesies whipping, lapidating, amputation, expatriate or executing. ( Vriens, Muslimism: Regulating Under Sharia ) The Vriens article clearly states that these offenses and their penalties are the most controversial and that when they are exercised it generates media and political attending. She contends nevertheless that few states still work from these outdated manners. It may be merely a few states but in the commentaries offered from so many reputable beginnings, Sharia Law and possibly most notably sex offenses is still really much a portion of the Islamic universe. In a narrative from the BBC in 2008, a immature adult female from Somalia pleaded for her before being stoned to decease. Her offense, harmonizing to governments was an admittance of criminal conversation. Her male parent nevertheless claims she was raped by three work forces and when this was reported she was the 1 arrested for criminal conversation. Numerous eye-witnesses say she was forced into a hole, buried up to her cervix so pelted with rocks until she died in forepart of more than 1,000 people last hebdomad. Do nt kill me, do nt kill me, she said, harmonizing to the adult male who wanted to stay anon. . A few proceedingss subsequently, more than 50 work forces threw rocks. The informant said people herding unit of ammunition to see the executing said it was atrocious . Peoples were stating this was non good for Sharia jurisprudence, this was non good for human rights, this was non good for anything. But no-one tested to halt the Islamist functionaries, who were armed, the informant said. ( BBCNewsonline ) Narrative after narrative reads merely like this one. Womans abused, raped, accused and killed. Many are neer allowed a defence and most serve as object lessons for other adult females and a support of traditional ways, instead than infringing Western imposts. It is of import nevertheless to retrieve that lapidating is non a affair of being anti-Islamic or pro-Western, it is a inquiry of humane intervention and the terminal of barbarous penalty. There is the narrative of Malak Ghorbany who in the summer of 2005 was a 34 twelvemonth old female parent of two. She lived in a town in northwesterly Iran and exhausted yearss entirely as her hubby worked on the household farm an hr off. After hebdomads of hassling phone calls from a adult male she did non cognize, he arrived at her door and pushed his manner inside. While ravishing her, Malak s hubby and brother arrived place. Yes, they chased the attacker and stabbed him 25 times killing him, but they returned to the house and round and stabbed Malak! What is even more disturbing was the fact that in an attempt to salvage the life of her hubby and brother, she claimed adultery instead than colza, to warrant their slaying of the attacker. Her program did work and the work forces were merely given 6 old ages in prison, but in conformity with Sharia Law, Malak was sentenced to decease, by lapidating. ( MacAllen, Cruel Face of Islam ) A world-wide reaction to Malak s narrative gained her the support of Amnesty International and through the aid of the U.N and many organisations she won a stay of executing. In the many beginnings of her narrative I could merely happen the declaration to her instance in one. She received 100 ciliums for her offense and was released in 2008. Still, at any clip her original sentence of lapidation can be implemented. It is clip for the universe to come together and proclaim that lapidating is non merely a flagitious manner to punish, but that the victims tend to be adult females accused of offenses they can non support themselves against. With regard to the civilization of Islam, the greater factor of humanity and civility must take precedency. But what is the other side to the statement, is at that place a legitimate demand for lapidating? While there are infinite web sites, newspaper columns and organisations for the abolition of lapidation, there is really small available resources in support of it. A few recent narratives showed the support of lapidating and rough attachment to Sharia Law by the Taliban and other Islamic groups. In August 2010 the New York Times reported that the Taliban had carried out a public lapidation of a Afghanistan twosome who had eloped. The 25 twelvemonth old adult male and 19 twelvemonth old adult female, were stoned by over a hundred of their neighbours and even household members. Some household had even played a portion in flim-flaming the twosome back to the small town after they had originally left. The adult male who supplied information for the narrative proclaimed himself as a Taliban protagonist. ( Nordland, In Bold Display ) Possibly the support of the Taliban is prompted more by fright than beliefs, but as our attitudes are shaped by our Western civilization and values seeing backup in any signifier seems perverted. My original ideas prevail in the immoralities of lapidation and the demand for its riddance. From the narrative of Malak, raped and so stabbed and crush, to the immature adult female who was non as fortunate in deliverance from Somalia. There is a turning call in the universe and it is the voice that calls for an terminal to modern lapidation.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Marine Corps Business Research

Marine Corps Business Research Free Online Research Papers Business Research Applications Paper In every business atmosphere some form of research being conducted at all levels to improve performance, make better returns on investments, decide on the next project, and many other forms. Research is conducted to provide managers with decision making abilities. How a manager decides to complete one task over another is often based on research. This paper will focus on research in the Marine Corps. Business Research is defined as â€Å"a systematic inquiry that provides information to guide managerial decisions. More specifically, it is a process of planning, acquiring, analyzing, and disseminating relevant data, information, and insights to decision makers in ways that mobilize the organization to take appropriate actions that, in turn, maximize business performance.† (Cooper Schindler, 2006, p. 4). In the Marine Corps, many forms of research are being conducted at all times to improve the capabilities and cost effectiveness of the Service as a whole. Many different categories are covered in research in the Marine Corps such as Recruiting and Retention, Training and Education, Procurement and use of various forms of gear and warfighting. The area I will focus on specifically is the staple of the Marine Corps, Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare. Within the realm of Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and Combating Terrorism Department, areas such as Command and Control, Firepower, Force Protection, Land Mine Countermeasures, Human Performance, Intelligence, Logistics and Maneuver are all areas of research. The mission of the Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and Combating Terrorism Department as a whole is: To lead the Department of the Navys Science and Technology effort that develops future combat capabilities for Naval Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and the Departments role in Combating Terrorism through the exploitation and subsequent application of Science and Technology in order to enhance the ability of the Navy-Marine Corps team to achieve assured access and conduct decisive operations as the naval portion of a Joint campaign. To lead the Department of the Navys Science and Technology effort that develops future combat capabilities for Naval Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and the Departments role in Combating Terrorism through the exploitation and subsequent application of Science and Technology in order to enhance the ability of the Navy-Marine Corps team to achieve assured access and conduct decisive operations as the naval portion of a Joint campaign. The specific components of the Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and Combating Terrorism Department are below. Command and Control, often referred to as C2, is basically the use of authority and direction of a commander over assigned forces to accomplish a mission. In today’s use of many forms of communication the C2 has become C4, Command and Control, Computers and Communication. C4 research is aimed at â€Å"markedly improving on capabilities in over-the-horizon, beyond line-of-sight, and restricted environment communications; mobile networking; tactical decision making; tactical situational awareness; and small unit position location and navigation.† (United States Navy, 2009). Firepower research is meant to â€Å"develop advanced technologies for application on current and future Marine Corp Expeditionary Firepower systems and all other elements of the kill chain. Current efforts focus on enhanced accuracy, tailored lethality, improved mobility, enhanced targeting and lightweight components.† (United States Navy, 2009). Force Protection research is meant to â€Å"develop, demonstrate and transition advanced technologies for future protection of today’s warfighter in the areas of individual Marine platforms, equipment and autonomous systems. Enhance the ability to stop the most common threats, counter and readily adapt to future threats from a global network of violent extremists while minimizing impact on mission accomplishment.† (United States Navy, 2009). Mine Counter Measures (MCM) division â€Å"develops technologies for critical Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Mine Countermeasures needs to make sea and land MCM an integrated, seamless, and fully integral component of Expeditionary Maneuver Warefare. Focus areas include landmine detection, breaching/neutralization of all mine types and enhanced survivability.† (United States Navy, 2009). Human Performance, Training and Survivability (HPTS) division focuses on the ability to â€Å"empower today’s warfighter by closing human performance gaps using training and survivability solutions, thereby creating tomorrow’s superior warrior. HPTS is defined broadly to include all aspects of human performance in the domains of Cognitive Performance, Physical Performance and Survivability, and Training Technology Enhancement.† (United States Navy, 2009). Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance division focuses on â€Å"developing and leveraging advanced technologies for applications in future intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. Enhance situational awareness, and tactical decision making.† (United States Navy, 2009). The Logistics division focuses on â€Å"developing and maturing technologies for application to current and future Marine Corps expeditionary systems. Focus is on supporting on the tenets of Seabased Logistics with emerging technologies focusing of improved distribution, reduced combat load in areas of fuel, water and energy and improved maintenance capabilities.† (United States Navy, 2009). Lastly, the Maneuver division focuses on â€Å"developing, demonstrating, and transitioning technologies that will increase the warfighting capabilities and effectiveness of the MAGTF. This Thrust will capture emerging and â€Å"leap ahead† technologies in the areas of mobility, materials, propulsion, survivability and unmanned systems.† (United States Navy, 2009). All these divisions are focused on making the Marine Corps a better and more capable fighting force. I believe that the Marine Corps has every tool needed to conduct research properly and that the research is conducted in a manner which will best suit the needs of the Corps. The Marine Corps puts very capable people in positions to best effect change in needed areas. Every Marine will conduct a debrief of every mission, no matter the size or scope, once the mission is complete. These â€Å"after action† reports are always sent to higher headquarters for review and will eventually make it to the â€Å"Lessons Learned† division. Once the missions and briefs reach this level, a report will be generated and sent out to the Marine Corps as a whole. Every Marine will be informed of the problems and success areas of every mission. The lessons learned are sent directly to the schools that teach a particular skill to improve the abilities and knowledge of the young Marines being trained. Research that is conducted in the warfighting area of the Marine Corps is done very well. One are that I believe needs improvement is the military career development. I believe that many young Marines are not informed of the opportunities that are available, or the steps needed to be successful early in their careers. Young Marines are often focused on learning skills needed for their particular job. This often creates an atmosphere where little time available for professional growth as a careerist. I know and understand that many Marines will only serve a short period on active duty, usually four years, and they are not concerned with what they are doing now and how it may affect their career years down the road. If more training research were conducted to improve the knowledge of young Marines for their future, I believe many Marines would stay in the Marine Corps and be more successful in every aspect of their life. Regardless of the business type, research is required to be successful. Every manager, leader or executive must have good research in order to make informed and sound decisions. The Marine Corps is well aware of the need for research and does a very good job of it in most areas. Throughout this paper, I have discussed many forms of research currently being conducted for the warfighting portion of the Marine Corps now and into the future. References 1. Cooper, D.R., Schindler, P.S. (2006). Business Research Methods (9th ed.). New York: \ McGraw-Hill Irwin. 2. United States Navy. (2009). Office of Naval Research. Retrieved May 16, 2009, from Research Papers on Marine Corps Business ResearchOpen Architechture a white paperThe Project Managment Office SystemBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfGenetic EngineeringIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalPETSTEL analysis of IndiaAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaResearch Process Part OneStandardized TestingInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married Males

Monday, November 4, 2019

State of Israel and the future threats. I argue that the biggest Essay

State of Israel and the future threats. I argue that the biggest threat could be marks of the Israeli state in the future will be an internal threat more than any external enemy - Essay Example Finally conclusions were arrived at based on the findings of the work. This work is based on secondary sources for retrieving relevant information pertaining to the topic. In this regard, reliable sources such as academic books, authentic websites, journals, and government documents were scrutinised. This work proves that Israel has been threatened to a major extent by the internal problems discussed, rather than any external threats. This region comprised of Israel was under British rule from 1917 to 1948, and during this period the Arab religious groups underwent several crucial socio – economic changes. Such change was not uniform across the various religious groups and displayed considerable diversity. The Christian Arabs experienced this change, much more swiftly than the Druze and the Muslims. The fertility rate declined among these groups, with the exception of the Muslim Arabs. 1 From the economic perspective, Israel had been envisaging a number of difficulties. This nation had not achieved a transformation into a competitive market system from a socialist state, as at the end of the 20th century. The military was obliged to address new dangers from inimical Islamic nations, such as Iraq and Iran, which boasted of long range missiles in their arsenal. Furthermore, the military had to address the challenge of becoming a more technical and less manpower intensive force. 2 However, significant change was in the offing for Israel, during the commencement of the 21st century. Internally, the denizens of this nation had been struggling with traditional and contemporary issues. Some of these issues were those of religion and state and their relationship to Jewish identity. Another issue pertained to the endeavours to mitigate religious influence upon personal matters, such as marriage and divorce. 3 The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel was made at Tel Aviv, on 14

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Marketing Strategy - Orange Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing Strategy - Orange - Essay Example However, through the course of time, the success of online retailers proved to be a factor of its resources and how it employs these to achieve its specific goals and objectives. From its humble beginnings, Tesco Plc has gained the reputation of being the largest British retailer in terms of global and local shares. It is estimated that in every  £8 UK retail sales,  £1 is spent on Tesco (Tesco Plc 2007). Recognizing the growth opportunities in the virtual marketplace, the giant retailer has decided to establish online presence during 1994. Three years after, Tesco has started an online shopping which it named Tesco Direct (Tesco Plc 2007). Since then, Tesco has started offering grocery and food items in its virtual store, On August 2006, the company announced the offering of non-food items in its online store under the name Tesco Direct. This marketing strategy has proved to be very efficient and profitable for the retailing giant. During the fiscal year 2006, the company announced a total annual turnover of  £33.974 billion and reported a pre-tax profit of  £1.962 billion. Out of this,  £1.2 billion is shared by in terms of total revenue and  £83 million in terms of profit. Even though the share of is meagre compared to total turnover and profit generated by Tesco Plc, its growth has been remarkable. The fiscal year 2006 reports online sales double-digit growth of 29.2% while profits soar by 49.5% (Tesco Plc Annual Report 2006). Compared to its rivals in the UK retail industry, captures a higher market share at 65%. Walmart-owned Asda chain lags behind with 16% while Sainsbury corners 14% (Best 2006). Its success has also been documented as it has been named the only retailer which has been able to make online shopping profitable (Walker 2006). The recent trends and developments in the global market stress the huge emerging opportunities in online retailing. In the UK alone, there has been a sharp rise in the number of